Should I set up a Company or Trust? What are the advantages of being a Sole Trader? Is the valuation for this business sound? Speak to us early and get the right advice from the onset and start your business with a solid footing.
Most businesses experience growing pains. Transitioning from a small business to a larger business can often mean signing new contracts, raising capital, managing inventory or managing cash flow and tax bills.
We partner with your business to help manage growth sustainably.
Businesses get sold or close for many reasons. Our aim is to maximise your returns and minimize pain for any circumstances of sale whether by choice or necessity.
Proper preparation takes into consideration potential Capital Gains liabilities, Distribution of shares and valuations for prospective buyers.
Strategic Growth Partners are Cairns Accountants who work with businesses through all stages from startup to business exit.
We’re known in the industry for being proactive and our friendly approach to providing solutions to suit all industries.
Liability limited by a scheme approved by Professional Standards Legislation.
156 Mulgrave Road, Cairns, Qld 4870
Phone: (07) 4032 6996
Fax: (07) 4051 3911
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