Most of you will now have at least heard the term "Cloud Accounting" or more generically "The Cloud".
It's the type of buzzword that has crept into our vernacular but is still a bit of a mystery for some people. Here we break down some of the mystery for you.
In its most basic form, cloud computing simply refers to software and storage being hosted off-site as opposed to on-site. Prior to modern internet speeds, most businesses ran most of their software on individual computers or on an in-house physical server.
Faster internet speeds allow us to store data and/or software on external servers without enormous loss of speed. This reduces risk by not having information stored in one physical location, as cloud storage providers always have multiple servers.
Any struggle with acceptance of the cloud is usually related to the user’s comfort level around security and storage of off-site information.
We are not here to convince you one way or the other but rather give you some of the insights as to why the world is now using this technology and how that affects you in regards to accounting.